#I could capture his uncanniness better.
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reginalusus · 2 years ago
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Quick one.
Image description: Fanart of Spamton NEO from Deltarune, drawn in a style that is reminiscent of an 80s or 90s anime. A close-up of Spamton's laughing face. Most of him is shadowed by a solid black, coming from the left of the image. One of his eyes are visible through his shades; its widened and his iris is tiny. He appears to be slightly hunched over as he laughs. The image flickers in a glitchy fashion. There's a caption for his dialogue at the bottom, which reads: "I THINK IT'S TIME WE MADE A VERY [SPECIL] DEAL." End of image description.
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little-fae-hero · 1 month ago
Linked Universe, The Hero of Hyrule
My headcanons/aus
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Art by Atro
Colored version.
Long talk/Ideas under the cut, warning for violence and blood. (Note: I may add stuff over time, but nothing will be deleted from the list)
Twilight. Wind. Time. Legend. Four. Sky. War. Wild.
Hyrule (Legend of Zelda 1 & 2). Other Nicknames: The Traveler, Healer, Medic, Little Lost boy, The Fairy/Fae. The Survivalist.
Hero’s Title: Hero of Hyrule, Hero of the Two Zeldas, Carrier of the Triforce, The Fae born.
God that has claim over his soul: Kishin (Fierce Deity)
Part of First’s soul: Tranquility
All that Link knows is that he was born to a fairy in the kingdom of hyrule, eventually he is separated from her and an old man gives him a sword to help him survive in the harsh world. Eventually his wandering led him to the dungeons and defeated the monsters inside, gathering up the piece of the Triforce of Wisdom and Power. Eventually he defeated the monster known as Ganon and saved princess Zelda.
Of course this wasn’t the end to this adventure, Zelda insisted Link live in one of the villages, though Link didn’t feel very comfortable with it. Most of the village was cold and untrusting especially to outsiders. It was here that Link learned from Impa about the other zelda, who was cursed to sleep until someone would wake her. So this time he is given a quest to find the missing Triforce of Courage and wake the second Princess Zelda. He of course being who he is, he accepts and begins his journey, this time having to fight a dark reflection of himself. Meanwhile Ganon minions are trying to capture him to use his blood in a ritual to bring back the king of evil. After he helps the princess, he learns the Triforce, not having a secured place in the realm it once rested, has now chosen him as a protector and stays with him.It will also turn people hostile when they realize he has power to grant anyone’s wish. As well as monsters still hunting him down. He opts to live on the road, only stopping when he meets one of his Zeldas.
Death: Unknown…
Interesting stuff/Headcanons:
Besides the Triforce, the fae side of Link is known to give hylians an uncanny feeling, so most will either chase him out or ask him to leave.
He’s a good voice mimic, so he can mimic the voice of people and animals, he mainly like’s to use chirps and trills.
Has an iron stomach and can survive off almost anything. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t get sick, and has learned that lesson the hard way.
When he learns a spell it gets soaked into his skin, almost like a marking.
When he starts to get comfortable, his human form will slowly start to shift into his real form, looking more like a dryad then a hylian.
He only really lets his fairy wings out when he truly is safe and comfortable, that can easily be torn and are hard to heal, so it’s a big sign of trust to see them.
Fairy wings are the vulnerable parts of a fae, fae hunters often times will tear and break them to prevent escaping, and Hyrule trusted the wrong person when he was younger (hense why he didn’t use alot of his magic)
They have healed over the many years but they still have scars on them.
Hyrule cannot read, at least not till after Zelda from his first adventure taught him, he’s gotten better and can use magic if he falls short.
In his Hylian form, the first hint to his fae side is a crown of branches he wears, that looking closer grow out of his head. This shows many of the fae and forest his a child of nature.
He trims the branches just enough so they look like a little crown a child may have put on him.
Anything cut off of him will go back to its natural state, Hair? Turns to leaves. Skin? Becomes a bark-like texture. Again he’s still natural and flesh-like but his true form blends into nature better.
Ganon utters a blood curse to Hyrule during his death, meaning should he be captured and blood spilled Ganon could come back.
This of course results in Hyrule being terrified of his own blood, he wears leathers to protect his skin.
Ganon has also shown interest in possessing the boy, dark Link was a side effect when he couldn’t.
This makes Hyrule weary of any magic signatures he can’t identify right away.
He’s actually really good at sewing and repairing stuff sense oftentimes it was either repair it or throw it away.
He doesn’t really feel comfortable in bed since he spent so much of his childhood in a fairy fountain or moving around.
Because of his fae magic, other fae like Time feel comfortable around him, however because Hyrule can’t get a read on Time’s magic he often is silently panicking.
For some reason he feels like he’s seen Legend before, he doesn’t know why.
Hyrule is done!
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adyophene · 10 months ago
I got a few people saying they wouldn't mind seeing a run down of my unfinished work and sketches! So this is gunna be just a big ol post of that and just explaining what the doodles would have ended up being!
First off is just some sketches of Alastor, Husk, a really uncanny Blitzo, and an unfinished voxhusk sketch
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Left Husk was reffed off a pose that i've since lost, and right was going to be a little comic of Husk bugging Vox and then Vox bugging Husk in return. :( I don't remember what dialogue I was going to use.
Next is just some unfinished couple sketches! Some Chaggie and Angel/Sir Pentious that I might still use at some point. TuT I think Angel and Pentious could make such a hilarious couple and it kills me that I can't find almost anything for it
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and this husk was just going to be a redraw of this
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but with Al, Vox, Angel, and Lucifer petting him
next is one I did already post but this one here; left was going to be a short comic where Lilith comes back and is enamored with Husk while also vaguely threatening to Alastor as she is. Right is the only doodle I have so far for a comic about Husk and Charlie getting caught hiding out from the rain, and Husk trying to talk to her about her making a deal with Alastor. Ugh. I need to even just thumbnail out that comic. Its been in my mental queue for literal months!
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Next up is a bunch of sketches of my own Hazbin OC, Shiv! I've never posted anything about him alone before, but he's featured in a lot of the backgrounds of my pieces! He was a carnie in voxhusk fake dating, and then a waiter in the diner piece, and ticket booth attendant in the movie theater one!
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I always love putting him in just whatever job the art calls for because he is a '1980's cocaine and bourbon grindset hustlepilled business fuck'. I don't know if I will ever expand his story in artwork, but if I did I would draw something about him trying to get a Soul-Based Multilevel marketing scheme going. Shiv is short for 'Shiver' because he froze to death after drunk wandering naked into the woods while on a skiing trip. He's in hell because he made his money doing shitty business practices like scamming old people out of their money with phone scams. If he saw Mad Men he'd think it would be about him, but he'd fit better in Its Always Sunny
Lastly, I have some sketches from a comic I am literally fighting myself not to make, where Husk ends up kidnapped by a ring of criminals that smuggle sinners to other Rings of Hell. Husk would be captured to be an exotic pet for a Ostrich theme'd Goetia, but would quickly escape. The main plot would be him running into and then helping out Blitzo in return for help getting back to the Pride ring!
I would have also got to include my other OC, the little Egg lamb, Sunnysides!
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Literally would have just been a huge excuse for me to draw Husk going through Situations and hanging out with the Helluva Boss cast and my OCs.
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runningwithscizzorz · 1 year ago
HOW DO YOU DRAW FACES??!?! seriously, everything about your art is pure eyecandy, I love it SO MUCH, but faces. YOUR FACES. the faces are perfect. they capture every detail. they feel so human. so expressive. i would love to know how you draw/structure your faces because it's the biggest thing i'd like to improve on with my art!
Art is a translation of how you perceive the world. Art is both extremely watered down and painfully vulnerable with emotions. The artist translates the world, and people translate the art. Lots of art gets lost in translation. My goal is to make people read my art regardless of my language. I want my art to speak louder than my simple cluttered words could.
How can you read a face with no words? You have to find your own way to do that, but here’s a very rough way of how I read people and attempt to translate their world into mine.
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One practice is drawing straight from a reference. I've been watching TLOU, which has some of the best acting ever and is perfect for screenshotting specific moments to recreate. Pulling scenes from episode five, I stretch and amplify the facial features to properly read their emotions in my style, ex, making Ellie and Sam's eyes bigger to amplify their youth, smoothing out facial wrinkles for simplicity, and (my favorite) exaggerating the mouths so they emote louder.
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Second method is feeling how your face moves. Ethan Becker on YouTube explains it better (go watch all his videos) of how to feel and observe how your face compresses and works with different features to properly express emotions. Using your own face as a stencil to understand how your muscle and jaw work is both simple, and always accessible for artist reference.
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An example of how I break down bits of a chapter into chunks for each panel while still attempting for it to run smoothly like the writing. Honestly, a lot of this part rides on wanting to do the author justice for their fabulous work. You want to show them how much their work affected you and why it’s totally worth it to draw their stories.
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Some examples of scenes from media (that almost made me cry) and how I translate and manipulate it into my style. This is why I redraw scenes from movies so often, not only is it fun and easy, but it’s a great way of studying the masters
But, to actually answer your question, I think the reason my drawings are so expressive to you is because I still follow somewhat typical human anatomy while still being cartoony enough to break the uncanny valley and create an aesthetically pleasing style. I’m still practicing and studying everyday to get better. You must work as much as possible to attempt to properly translate the world.
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rei-ismyname · 4 months ago
UNCANNY X-MEN #5 From The Ashes
First of all, I should acknowledge that something I've been calling a missed opportunity has received an attempt on page - the X-Men killing in FotHox, specifically Kurt. It's a single line and doesn't make a lot of sense, trying to have cake and eat it too by nodding to it in issue 5 but not meaningfully engaging with the recent past. Kurt did NOT think he was a killer, ever. That's just a bad faith reading of the text. He was in a war against genocidal fascists, come on.
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Cool new form for Calico, though.
Kurt putting his sword/s away doesn't quite cut it. Errol Flynn swashbuckling has been an influence on him since he was a child and he's been big on sword usage almost since the beginning of his publication history. It's his thing, and he badly needs personality in FTA. Also, he didn't kill anyone with a sword in Fall, he teleported them into space. Swords parry and block, they disarm and intimidate. They have use outside of combat. They look cool, and it's something Kurt is very good at. So yeah, the barest attempt was made, but it didn't land for me. There could have been space to set it up and sell it too, perhaps by toning down the Charles Xavier/Sarah flashbacks that were ultimately just a fakeout.
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Speaking of things that were given lip service in issue 5 and could have benefited from more attention, Jubilee told us who she is - kinda. A panel or two of origin story that was established in the 90s, but nothing about why she's here or what she wants out of life. How she feels about the loss of Krakoa, where the hell her baby, Shogo, is. It fits in with Uncanny's overarching sense of unfocusedness and her role could have been performed by anyone - not a good look for the end of the flagship book's first arc.
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We get the resolution to and defeat of Sarah Gaunt. 'She's crazy, always has been' is so unsatisfying. I can't think of any other description. It's nice that we don't have another sin to lay at Xavier's door, but attempted baby trap is not a frequently used trope for a reason. She acknowledges she was lying, but then blames him for the loss of her son years later in a different country - then transfers that hatred to all mutants? Comicsxf have criticised her characterisation as 'Monstrous Mother' and I agree. What was the point of giving it so much space, to the extent that we spent more time in the past than with most of our putative main characters? She beat the shit out of Logan and Rogue the last two issues, nearly killing them - only for Rogue to draw strength from deus ex dead kid and completely wipe her out. It's lovely that Rogue is able to summon empathy for her, it shows us why she's a hero, but taken as an arc she's rewarded with victory despite making bad decisions. Long time readers know Rogue can lead, but I think Gail Simone is going to have to do the work to convince new readers that she's right for this. It's well and good to have moral authority but leading your team to death isn't.
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Harvey X was unexpected but felt unearned. Surprise is fun but internal and narrative consistency is better. I thought it was Charles moving people around, because it was signposted. Harvey X being the puppet master felt almost silly as he revealed previously unseen very powerful abilities. Why would he wait for Rogue and Logan to be nearly dead to act? Maybe that's the only time he can act, because he's dead? Idk, at least he didn't scream how hot Rogue is again. He speaks about a sacrifice he's making but what sacrifice is that? Is his power finite and burns him out, Proteus-style? It's not quite clear, and I guess we'll never see him again.
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Precognition. Healing. Telepathy.
Gambit and the Eye of Agamotto was a Chekhov's Gun that mostly worked (and made me feel sah smart for calling it.) Remy prays (?) to it and then blows the possessed cultists away. I'm pretty sure Jubilee could make a bigger boom than that (I know she can) but rule of cool wins the day.
These are/were captured and possessed mutants. I hope we see them again, especially after Fawn's introduction in #1. They're not doing this willingly.
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Rogue flies to meet Warden Ellis to give her Sarah back, further muddling Ellis' characterisation. I have no idea what she's about now. Nuance is good in antagonists, but for someone who wants to crush mutants with her government mandate she's awfully cooperative with them. No threats, no riddles, no ultimatum, just meekly accepting two threats? I want to give a fuck about the closest thing we have to an antagonist (for a crossover event right around the corner) but there's nothing there! This was an opportunity for something, anything. Gah! I don't understand this writing.
Rogue's threat is interesting, though I have to wonder what she and Scott are going to disagree about. It's implied Jubilee will get captured, and we know Beast already has been. 2/3 X-Men teams have their motivation to wreck Graymalkin I just struggle to see them coming to blows over it.
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Rogue and her elocution lessons feel very out of character and came out of nowhere. If it was setup earlier and tied to insecurity or identity that would work, but being introduced and haphazardly paid off in issue 5 baffles me, frankly. Rogue's southern upbringing is never something she's been ashamed of, her angst has almost always been related to her powers. She's a confident woman. A story where she struggles with that could have legs, but that's not the story that's been told. She certainly doesn't need Gambit or Logan to tell her - I'd expect it to be the other way around.
I'm not sure what to make of the images we get from Harvey X's visions of the future. I'll write about them separately if I find an interesting hook.
So ends the first arc of Uncanny X-Men volume whatever. My main issue is that it doesn't meaningfully engage with what came before it, and it doesn't quite manage to establish its own identity either. What is its mission statement and what kind of book can we expect? I don't know, and I hope Gail Simone does. It's not the end of the world, mind you. Following Krakoa was always going to be tough, and the world was going to feel smaller, less connected. I can't help but wonder what it might have felt like without a lot of Charles Xavier flashbacks amounting to nothing. Maybe we'd know more about Kurt or Jubilee, even the Outliers. Ideally that'll be corrected. I don't do number ratings so I'll just say it was okay, higher if you are a Rogue stan.
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corduroykoala · 5 months ago
I've been rewatching Frieren and was struck by just how effectively it uses montage to tell its story.
The passage of time is a huge part of the story, so montage is an obvious tool to employ, but Frieren uses it for more than just skipping to more interesting parts. Yes, that is often the goal, but it is also done in a way to demonstrate that time is passing. The montage in the first episode stands out—seeing a young shopkeeper appear much older just a few scenes later—as does the one used while the party waits in the Cabin with Kraft—Fern and Kraft are initially the only ones who pray at meals, but then Stark joins and, eventually, Frieren does as well.
My favorite montage, however, manages to convey not just the passage of time, but Frieren's perception of it. Relevant clip and discussion of it below the cut.
Throughout the series, we're also frequently told how much time has passed since Himmel's death, which serves to accentuate the passage of time as the characters—particularly Fern and Stark—get older. Fern is twice as old at the end of the season as she is at the beginning. The viewer can understand and relate to her experience of time.
In contrast, Frieren explains in the first episode that the ten-year journey with the Hero's party was short to her as an elf, not even one-one-hundredth of her life. On her journeys, we're constantly reminded of how short months and years seem to her, though it's generally played off in a light-hearted manner, juxtaposed against Fern's desire to continue their journey and not linger in one place for very long. To the viewer, this may make sense logically, but it is difficult to fully comprehend as a human. It's a lot like trying to understand the difference between one thousand and one million.
Episode 10 plays out largely in flashback, detailing Frieren's relationship with her master. After a fifty-year jump in time, Frieren is told to live in obscurity until the time comes when she can kill the demon king. Cue montage.
We see Frieren do as she was told, living a (mostly) quiet life as time passes. We see a small community grow into a village, a town, a walled city. We see a thousand years pass in about a minute of screentime. End montage.
We then see Himmel and his party approach Frieren to recruit her. It's a fairly standard Himmel flashback, demonstrating his uncanny insight and calling back to Frieren's meeting with Flamme. Then, the music falls out and—
Before you can even say the word montage, it's over. Five frames in rapid succession. The entire journey—ten years—in a single heartbeat. Painfully short, barely enough time to even understand what you just saw. One second in a video 100 seconds long.
This quick sequence captures just what that journey was like for Frieren. Of course she didn't get to know Himmel better. How could she have been expected to? It was barely any time at all, just one one-hundredth of her life.
This is my favorite montage in Frieren. It made my breath catch in my lungs the first time I watched it, and it did the exact same on rewatch. I love this show and I am incredibly happy it was renewed for a second season.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
I promised, promised myself that I wouldn’t read the Roman König x Fee fic until it was completed because I knew i would get absolutely drawn in, wrapped up in your exquisite prose, then get addicted and suffer from withdrawals. Unneeded to say I broke said promise and welp here I am 🤡
Thing that surprised me was how quickly he endeared himself to me? A cock swinging village massacring brute that I was FULLY prepared to hate had me sighing by then end of chapter 3 with the “you care about my head?” ✋😩 YES I worry for your stupid head you adorable monster.
It’s uncanny how similarly Fee and I felt as the plot progressed. I know this is a self insert and though I made an OC for fee, you were able to capture the feeling of hate to curiousity to distrust to budding emotions on the readers side so beautifully and in only three chapters?? What sorcery is this?? I could go on and on about how I’m just… in awe of your writing skills.
It’s the small things too. The effort he went through to understand Fee, learning her language like he desperately wants to be a part of her. It’s just his delight in the simple things like having a woman and buying her pretty things. I AM GOING TO GNAW OFF MY ARM THIS IS SO GOOD!! I don’t know if you’ve watched HBOs Rome, but they remind me of Pullo and Eirene so much! Like you can’t tell me König doesn’t fit that goofy brawdy soldier who’s only hobbies are drinking and fucking and fighting to a T!
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Then it got me thinking…. If König is Pullo then Simon is Vorenus. He has that straight laced, no bs aura about him. Now I’m imagining them both in this universe and please excuse me while I melt in a puddle 🫠
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This is perhaps the best piece of fiction I’ve read in a while. I can’t wait for part 4, I have no doubt it will be wonderful as usual. Please accept my maladaptive daydream interpretation of Fee (first she was supposed to be a wood nymph, then the earth goddess then a fairy queen?? I’m not sure anymore. There was so much great imagery couldn’t settle on one. Your honor, we lost the plot.)
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Oh my goodness OH MY GOODNESS ❤️❤️❤️
You shower me with praise and I’m over here like aaahh... for me? 🥺❤️
And yes I’ve watched Rome like four times at least! Every time I watch it just gets better, the producers and crew really outdid themselves with all the details in that series. I consider it one of the best TV shows ever made and excuse me but you opened a Pandora’s box here, I'm just so pleased you brought this up...
It took so much time for Pullo to grow on me, I was so frustrated with his character but when he killed Eirene’s man because he was so in love with her and was just like: “Oh there's something in the way of our love? Oh well. *there*, solved.” Gosh I was IN LOVE. I’m sorry, I’m a horrible person, but I fell in love with Pullo right that second. And yeah König is kinda like Pullo in that sense! Eirene wails at the corpse of her ex-lover and Pullo is just like “Um, yeah nasty business but… why are you crying? Oh, oh yeah, oops. But hey, we could be together? Oh, you don’t want me? Damn. How come?” I wanted to shake and kiss him for being so dumb and adorable.
And Ghost is Vorenus YES, you get it 100 %! And the tragic love story of Vorenus & Niobe, oh god, took me about a month to get over it. And Vorenus being under the protection of Mars first and then literally becoming Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld… The mythology nerd in me is swooning over here. The only thing about Vorenus that's slightly König coded to me was when Pullo had to explain to him what a clitoris is, and Vorenus is like “How do you know this about my wife?!?!” and almost kills him :D That’s so so Roman!König.
But AHHH let me squeal about your maladaptive daydream adaption next: she’s the most gorgeous Fee ever, so lovely and feminine and yet, strong and possessing that earthly power in her. I love the color of her dress too!! There’s a lot of earth & water elements linked to Fee so that color (green to turquoise?) is the most perfect combination of earth and sea, while König is more like fire & air, coming from the mountains and slow to anger but when the fire rises, no one is safe...
This was so lovely, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story 🩷💋
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dsknsk · 3 months ago
Victim and Hell Screen: Similarities, differences and parallels
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Let's start at the beginning.
Some time ago, I created a gijinka for Victim, alongside a human name. That name ended up being "Masaki Yoshihide" (真生 義英), taken from the Japanese word for "victim", 犠牲者, and from an alternate spelling of 良秀, which is also read (most of the time) as "Yoshihide". With this, I would subtly refer to a famous short story written by Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, named "Hell Screen" (地獄変, jigokuhen). This was all done as a fun reference, but with the most recent episode, I realized that I might have done something that I did not intend.
For both stories have similarities and notable differences.
Contains spoilers for episode 11.
The story of Hell Screen
The story of Hell Screen is told from the viewpoint of an unnamed servant, who works in the mansion of the Lord of Horikawa, a noble. The Lord of Horikawa knows a masterful painter named Yoshihide (良秀) whom he has commissioned several times (commissions being not so different in the past with the exception of the artwork not being digital). The servant praises his employer, but describes Yoshihide as a wicked, ugly man, but his paintings are beautiful. They are so lifelike, that one could almost step into the painting and experience what it must be like to be inside it.
Yoshihide's other redeeming quality (in the eyes of the servant, that is), is that he loves his only daughter, the 15-year old Yuzuki, to the point that he spoils her rotten. Yuzuki befriends a small monkey owned by the Lord of Horikawa, named after her father. The creature becomes her closest companion.
One day, the Lord of Horikawa commissions Yoshihide again, who says that unexperienced painters are unable to capture the beauty that lies in ugliness. The Lord of Horikawa wants that Yoshihide makes his next painting on a folding screen, and it has to be a painting of hell.
Because Yoshihide is strictly convinced that he needs to see stuff first before he can paint it, he proceeds to torture his apprentices so that he can paint their agonizing faces and bodies in detail. Eventually, the work still needs its capstone: the view of a woman, dressed in rich clothing and jewelry, burning in an ox-driven carriage. And so, the Lord of Horikawa prepares that exact scene for Yoshihide to witness.
Only, the ones to burn are Yuzuki and her monkey.
Yoshihide finishes the folding screen not long after. However, even though he's completed the artwork, he kills himself by hanging. The rumors go that the Lord of Horikawa decided to do this to Yuzuki because she refused to marry him.
Differences and similarities
The Yoshihide in the story is a painter. His paintings were magnificent sights to see, so lifelike that, quote:
"Rumor has it that you can almost smell the delicate fragrance of the plum blossoms on moonless nights and almost hear the courtier on the screen playing his flute."
When Victim crash-lands into Newgrounds, he wants to rebuild the water tower that he accidentally damaged. And what he uses for this, are a paintbrush and digital drawing tools, like a digital painter.
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He proceeds to recreate the fallen piece and then that several times over - and it's realistic enough to fully repair the water tower. If one did not know better, one could not see that it was ever broken.
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Just like Yoshihide, Victim builds up fame thanks to this ability.
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A curious thing about Yoshihide's paintings is that they also had a certain uncanny quality about it, because they were so realistic. While that aspect is absent here, but Victim is re-drawing the items with his painting tools, making them a little bit different but doing the job and looking good anyway - enough that it draws a crowd.
Another similarity is that Yoshihide says that he can only paint what he has seen. We see that when Victim repairs the water tower, he doesn't just start out of the blue. No, he picks up a piece and then proceeds to recreate it - taking its shape, its color, and its size. While it's never explicitly said like Yoshihide says, it isn't all that hard to figure (like in the picture when he adds a new string to the guitar) - notably, the weapons that his clones use are those that they've used before, i.e seen before.
While Yoshihide in the story is described as bad as you can describe any person (just look at the internet) and that aspect wasn't there in Victim in the past, it should be remembered that the narrator of the story is unreliable, and even his torture of his apprentices could just be heavily exaggerated (especially since the servant also pulls supernatural imagery when describing it).
Yoshihide in the story is also described as being ugly. Again, of course this can be bias, and this is nowhere as present in Victim's story. Still, when he walks up to the water tower, the sheep hides behind Mitsi as if it's scared of him, and it's only until Mitsi herself convinces the group that maybe, his presence is a good thing. He probably stood out because he was drawn in a different style than the others in the village.
But then, Yoshihide is tasked to make a painting on a folding screen that depicts hell. How is hell described in the story, you ask? Well...
"[...] wherever one might look, all was in blazing flames, black smoke swirling around and sparks shooting up like burning gold dust fanned in a[n apocalypse] of fire."
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It is also described how people from all walks of life - a long list which I won't bother you with - are to suffer equally in hell.
"Therein people of all descriptions, [...] amidst blazing flames and raging smoke, were fleeing in all directions like so many autumn leaves scattered by a blast of wind."
This can be compared to all different creations that were uploaded to Newgrounds, all suffering from the same fate. They're all in a different artstyle, created by a different artist, but they're all in the same horrible hell.
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And the centerpiece of the work? A woman burning, without any escape, facing a disastrous end as she goes down in flames.
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While reading, I felt like the servant in the story of Hell Screen wanted to insinuate that the fact that Yuzuki burned was due to her refusing the Lord of Horikawa's romantic interest in her. However, it is also clear that this is just a speculation, which he also says - while we may never know the exact reason, it has happened. The servant himself says that the Lord told him it was to punish Yoshihide who would continue to paint even if people had to suffer for it. By contrast, the Chosen One might not even know/have known that the destruction he and The Dark Lord caused was the direct cause of Victim's start of darkness.
But the reaction on Victim's end might've been similar. Victim blames The Chosen One for the destruction, and Yoshihide might've blamed the Lord of Horikawa similarly. We don't know about the latter, since Yoshihide killed himself.
We will also never know what would have happened if Victim never started to pick up his "painting" business. We won't know if Mitsi would've died like this. Victim might've seen Mitsi's death as a punishment for fleeing from the Animator, but he's hell-bent on getting revenge.
Victim might've been what a slightly different version of Yoshihide would be. While Yoshihide tortured others (allegedly) before he lost Yuzuki, Victim started doing so after he lost Mitsi.
This is my own interpretation, but I think that, ultimately, Hell Screen is not about an asshat painter getting karma for his sins, or an absent parent who prioritisized his art over his kin. It is a tragic story about the thing that finally broke an imperfect, but dedicated painter and a loving parent.
It's about how everyone can break, no matter their nature, sinner or saint.
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year ago
Enchanted | g.d. | 1
Gale Dekarios x fem!Tav
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I have the entire series written and I am NOT sorry.
Talk to Me! | Series Masterlist
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My undying love, now I hold it like a grudge,
And I hear your voice every time I think I’m not enough…
The first time Gale heard her voice, it was the very start of his isolation and seclusion in his tower.
At the time, it was a distant sound –something that sat in the background of his tower when the balcony doors were opened and he had half a mind to pay attention. Most of the day, he had been too absorbed in his self-loathing and hatred, thinking about everything that had gone wrong and led him to losing not only his title of Chosen, but losing what he considered the love of his life. 
The circus had been in town all month at that point, but he had little interest in it even when he wasn’t a recluse. The bouts of magic and entertainment were too on the nose for him, and he had little interest in the acts that were geared towards the more easily distracted. But something about her voice that first evening caught his attention as he sat on his balcony, watching the ships leave the harbor.
The first time Gale heard her voice, he peered over to the circus, where a small crowd had gathered around a bard. He assumed she was a bard, at least –she had a lute, and she was singing. Not many people were around –certainly more interested in what was going on elsewhere in the circus –but she was still performing like it was her lifeline. The lights that surrounded her made it hard to make out any distinguishable features, though he supposed it didn’t matter what she looked like if he could hear her voice clear as day.
The arguments that I have won against you in my head,
In the shower, in the yard, and in the mirror before bed –
I’m so tough when I’m alone and I make you feel so guilty…
Much like him, it seemed, she was heartbroken over a love lost. It struck Gale as almost uncanny how closely the lyrics resonated with his own inner turmoil. He found himself wiping his eyes, moved by the poignant melody that seemed to mirror the depths of his own anguish. As he listened, the weight of his current struggles pressed heavily upon him – the pulsating presence of the Netherese orb beneath his skin, the sting of rejection from the one person who had once understood him better than anyone else. It puzzled him how this bard, a stranger to his own personal hells, could capture the essence of his emotions with such accuracy.
Gale couldn’t listen to her very long before he slammed shut the doors of his balcony and retreated into the darkness of his tower once more.
The next time Gale heard her voice, it was when the circus returned the following year. 
A whole year had passed since Mystra cast him from her favor; a whole year had passed since he was implanted with a ticking bomb in his chest; a whole year had passed since he last heard the bard in the circus, singing about her own heartbreak that felt so much like his that he sometimes thought back to her words and reminded himself that he did not need to hold a grudge.
The next time Gale heard her voice, he noticed that the crowd gathered around her was still just as modest as before, perhaps even smaller. The ambient lights continued to cast a glow over her, creating an aura that blurred her figure around the edges, resembling distant stars. Despite the dwindling audience, her voice carried a seasoned richness, hinting at a depth of experience and emotion that had matured since the last time he had heard her sing. Gale briefly wondered why she insisted on performing songs that failed to attract large crowds, yet simultaneously wondered if such trivial matters even registered on her radar. It struck him that perhaps, for her, the act of sharing her music was a personal journey rather than a quest for recognition or fame.
Looking back, I think the magic all along was me,
Cause I can’t help but look for the best in you.
But I can’t be in love with the things I just hope you do…
He wondered, once again, how she managed to reach into the depths of his very soul and tear out the feelings he also held. It was unlikely she was heartbroken over a god, but whatever had happened to cause her to write and sing about what she did –Gale was thankful that someone could put it into words, even if that someone was a bard whose name he didn’t even know. 
Tonight, he did not slam the doors of his balcony when it got overwhelming. Instead, he sat and he listened, committing each word she sang to heart. He allowed the feelings to wash over him, to cry as he recalled the stupidity of his actions, to curse the folly of his own doing. 
I can’t be in love with potential,
I can’t say it’s all circumstantial…
Maybe I should go away,
It’s your choice if you wanna change…
As the nights progressed –he started to keep track of what nights she was there and what nights she was not –Gale noticed a subtle shift within himself. At first, it was merely a passing interest, but gradually it grew into something more. With each performance by the bard, whose voice seemed to be laced with the Weave itself, he found himself captivated. He discovered a new sense of resonance with her music, each note laced with emotions he hadn't explored before. And it wasn't just the music that drew him; it was the sincerity in her voice, the passion in her lyrics, and the way she poured her soul into every performance. 
Soon, Gale's evenings became synonymous with her songs, and he found comfort in her voice drifting up to his balcony. As he reflected on his feelings, he began to question the depth of his devotion to Mystra, realizing that perhaps his connection with the goddess wasn't as balanced as he once believed. Perhaps he was better off without Mystra to impress –even if the orb pulsed within him and demanded control.
Showed you all of my hiding spots,
I was dancing when the music stopped…
And in the disbelief, I can’t face reinvention
I haven’t met the new me yet.
“Mr. Dekarios,” Tara announced one evening, having gone to retrieve something with a substantial amount of magic within it for him. 
“Hello, Tara,” he greeted with a soft smile, sitting on his balcony with his eyes shut. The bard’s voice was drifting over him, and for the first time since he started paying attention, this song wasn’t nearly as bitter or sad. 
“You seem almost…content,” the tressym commented, hopping up on the seat next to him. Gale opened his eyes, meeting her gaze as she scrutinized him. “I do hope that means you’ll leave this tower soon.”
“Perhaps,” he hummed, looking over his balcony and down towards where the crowd was gathering once more. Maybe he would join the crowd tomorrow, before she started. Finally put a face to the voice that he had listened to every night for the last three weeks. 
Tara followed his gaze, hopping up now on the bannister of the balcony. She cocked her head to the side, eying the lights and people. “Have you been listening to her all night, Mr. Dekarios?”
He nodded once, standing up to join her on the balcony. Resting his arms on the ledge, Gale leaned over and watched as more people gathered around his bard –well, not his bard, but the bard –and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy that they got to see her up close. But at the same time, he was happy for her; she was getting the attention she deserved. 
There’ll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you.
Both of these things can be true…
“I’ve been listening to her every night, actually,” he admitted with a soft chuckle, feeling his ears burn with mild embarrassment. “I…She’s a lovely singer, that’s all.”
Tara simply eyed him for a moment before returning her attention to the bard below. “She talks to herself quite a bit when she’s not singing.”
Gale’s attention snapped back to Tara, brow furrowing. “How do you know that?”
“She feeds the strays –who am I to pass up a free meal, Mr. Dekarios?”
“Tara,” he scolded, rolling his eyes. “You are not a stray; more importantly, you’ve met her?”
“Poor thing thinks I’m just a cat with wings, but yes, I have spent time with her. Very polite, a bit sad. I suppose I could introduce you –,”
“Please,” he quickly interrupted, standing up straight. “Tomorrow, we’ll go tomorrow.”
Tara seemed surprised by his sudden want to leave the tower, however there would be no complaining from her. Gale leaned over the bannister once more, looking down at the crowd that finally settled in to listen to her sing. 
No one teaches you what to do
When a good man hurts you,
And you know you hurt him too…
Stepping out of his tower for the first time in a year, Gale had to pause in the doorway to brace himself for it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to leave; actually, on the contrary –for the first time in a year, he felt confident enough to step outside and not blow anyone up. But he was overwhelmed by the familiar sights and smells of his beloved Waterdeep and it took him a moment to get his bearings again. Tara strolled beside him, however, reminding him that it was okay.
He was more thankful for that than she would ever know.
It wasn’t a long walk to where the circus had set up for the month, but he took his time, enjoying the sun and the salty breeze that tousled his hair. It had been too long, and if he was going to go confess to the mysterious bard that was below his balcony that he was enchanted by her, then he needed to take his time and get a little more confident in himself.
With Tara leading the way, Gale smiled and waved at neighbors who greeted him happily. It was a nice reminder that perhaps he wasn’t all that alone, even if he was destined to be consumed. He hummed one of her songs to himself, unable to help the smile that was spreading over his face as they finally stood at the gates of the –
Empty circus grounds.
The wizard and tressym stopped short, staring at the torn down tents and remaining pieces of equipment that were being loaded up into a cart. It was a handful of stage hands that were left –it seemed the main performers had taken their leave already.
“No, no, no,” Gale panicked, pushing through the gates and hurrying up to a kobold that was packing up his inventory. “Where is everyone? I thought –the circus –,”
The kobold looked up at him with shifty eyes, pointing around in random directions. “Circus is gone, I is packing up my treatos and getting on road. You want treato? I has lots, treatos make you feel better!”
“What? No, I don’t want –the bard –the girl, who sings. Is she still here?”
“Lots of bards, lots of singing –I is not knowing which one.”
Gale groaned, raking his hand through his hair in frustration. Tara huffed in annoyance, interrupting. “The one that feeds the strays, Popper.”
“Oh!” Popper –apparently –exclaimed. “Favorite human. Very nice. She leave this morning, with bendy friend.”
For a moment, he simply stared down at the kobold with unseeing eyes.
The circus was gone and so were his chances of finally laying eyes on his bard.
“Can you…will you pass along a message to her, Popper?” He finally asked, looking around the mess of the kobold’s shop before finding relatively clean parchment and a quill. He scribbled out something quickly, then waved his hand to ensure the ink dried. With a couple pieces of gold and the parchment, he held it out to Popper, who snatched both up with a frantic nod.
“Oh hello, Popper,” she greeted with a small smile when they made it to their next city.
Popper was setting up a series of very clearly stolen –and slightly bloody –weapons he must have knicked off some bodies on the way. He spun around with a hop, throwing his arms up in excitement.
“Tayve! I has treato for you!” 
“Is that so?” She raised a brow and knelt in front of him, smiling softly. “And it’s Tav, Popper. You’ll get it one day.”
Popper waved off her correction, yanking out a wrinkled piece of parchment and shoving it into her hands. “From man in last town. Gave me lots of gold to deliver.”
Tav’s brow furrowed a bit as she uncrumpled the note, looking it over for a moment. It was a poem, she thought, as she read it over. But no name was signed.
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wondered till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth, 
wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say
It was enchanting to meet you.
Your singing saved me. I wish I could have told you in person.
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silverwings22 · 16 days ago
Tech and Shiani: What if...
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What if: Tech made it off of Eriadu, but Shiani didn't?
Note: This pairing is from my completed fic Song of the Sea. Check it out here or AO3! Art and snippet below!
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The air was still electric with adrenaline as the brothers sat on Echo's ship, leaving Teth and the horror show it had been behind them. Hunter was deep in conversation, coordinating with Echo and Rex their next move. Wrecker was sitting with his back to the wall, eyes closed, while everyone pretended they didn't see the tears on his face. Crosshair was half buried under Batcher, head down as he stroked the lurca hound's flank.
And Tech? Tech couldn't breathe.
He wished he was an idiot because his racing mind kept coming bac to the same awful, sickening conclusion when he laid out the facts. The brainwashed shadow operative Rex and his men had captured led the Empire to them on Teth by some means only Crosshair understood. Crosshair was too traumatized to explain. A specialized operative had arrived and, employing tactics even he thought were brilliant, lay in wait and let Commander Wolffe and his men drive the Batch and rebels out of the security of their temple-turned-base and into the jungle. From there the operative dropped from the trees with uncanny agility and snatched Omega before even Hunter had sensed their presence.
The operative was a Kaminoan siren.
"You alright?" Hunter sat down next to him. "We're going to get the Marauder and stick with Rex and Echo til we find Tantiss." When Crosshair shuddered on his other side, Hunter put a hand on his shoulder.
Tech shook his head. "I made a mistake." He whispered. "I believed Hemlock, when he told you she was dead."
After Eriadu, the others had gone back to Ord Mantell to treat Omega's injuries. Cid had double crossed them, and Royce Hemlock had shown up with Shiani's broken chest plate and dropped it at Hunter's feet mockingly. Tech had been at the bottom of a valley, injured but welding together a scrap ship to escape and return to his family on Pabu. When he'd limped to them with a broken leg, broken arm, and broken heart they'd been there for his grief. He'd found purpose in looking for Omega, and when she and Crosshair had found them instead he finally had no choice but to face his loss head on.
Only now...
"You couldn't have known, Tech." Hunter tried to comfort him. "The odds of you surviving were insanely low. Of you both? I don't think even you could calculate that."
"I could... but it is a moot point." Tech shuddered. "I cannot imagine what he must have done to her, for her to take Omega. She loves Omega."
"Trust me, you're better off not knowing." Crosshair mumbled.
"Maybe it's not her." Wrecker mumbled hopefully. "There are other sirens, right? Maybe the Empire found them after she showed up at the Senate meeting on Coruscant?"
"Not that speak Basic." Tech shook his head. "It took her years to become fluent."
Crosshair lifted his head and frowned. "Wait... you think that was your little squid girlfriend?"
Hunter gave him a sad look. "She's not his girlfriend, Cross. She's his wife."
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"SX-1 enroute with the target."
Omega was handcuffed and siting in the back of a single-seat Imperial ship as the operative piloted. She'd been watching carefully, a dreadful pit forming in her stomach as the siren went through pre-flight system checks and takeoff the same way Tech had taught her. Her purple skin, visible where her tentacles came out from above her belt, was the same shade Omega was familiar with under the studding of blue scars. One of the headtresses hanging from the open back of her helmet had been ripped in half, shorter now than the rest... but she was pretty sure she knew who had kidnapped her.
"You don't have to do this. We can just go home. No one will be mad at you, they'll be happy to see you. I promise." She tried to cajole, scooting along the floor to get closer to the pilot's seat.
There was a hiss as the operative removed her helmet, setting it on the console. She flexed her jaw and cracked her neck, like it had been horribly uncomfortable. "You can't talk your way out of this, clone child."
Omega knew that voice. It had sung her lullabies and told her stories since she'd left Kamino the first time. It was her best friend's voice, her "accomplice, not an alibi" in trouble, who called her "Baby Mega" and shared treats with her in the quiet of the Havoc Marauder. It wasn't supposed to sound so cold and unaffected.
The siren turned, her round face marred with a blue scar and her massive eyes looking exhausted and dull. She cocked her head to the side as she sized Omega up, headtresses moving of their own accord. One tentacle snaked along the floor, catching Omega by the chin and pushing her head up to face her. "What did you say?"
"It's your name. Shiani Illumai, Princess of Acopit under Tipoca City. Don't you remember? You're a part of our family, the Bad Batch.... you're married to Tech! You remember him, right?"
The siren's expression didn't change. "I am SX-1. I belong to the Galactic Empire."
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nitrateglow · 5 months ago
Spooky Season 2024: 23-31
House (dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
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A teenage girl nicknamed Gorgeous and her friends travel to her aged aunt's house for the summer, not realizing the aunt is a people-devouring ghost and her house is one giant supernatural booby trap.
House reeks of the '70s with its psychedelic visuals and rock soundtrack, and yet it never feels "dated" to me. Okay, maybe I'm not the best person to judge that considering I binge nickelodeon-era one-reelers for fun, but House is so bizarre and uniquely its own weird thing that it transcends its original disco-era milieu. Beyond the goofball humor and erratic editing, House is concerned with the usual in gothic stories, mainly how past traumas linger on into the present (in this case, the aunt's grief over a fiance who went missing during WWII, and Gorgeous longing for her deceased mother).
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (dir. Don Siegel, 1956)
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A small California town is overtaken by an alien species who replicate and replace the humans living there. Transformations result in soulless beings devoid of all emotion.
The original 1956 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is often boiled down to being a Red Scare allegory. Both of the times I've seen it, I feel it is so much richer than that. You could read it any number of ways and I think that openness to interpretation is what has made the story so ripe for retelling over the years.
While slightly overshadowed by the 1978 version these days, the 1956 adaptation remains a damn great horror movie in its own right. I usually don't care for the alien invasion movies of this period, but this one is genuinely chilling with a minimum of tension-spoiling cheese (not that I'm against cheese). The camera angles become more tilted as the situation grows more dangerous and the perspective more warped. The filmmaking hits harder because the earlier scenes are filmed in a blander, more straightforward way too. Good stuff.
The Sitter (dir. Fred Walton, 1977)
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This creepy little short film take on the babysitter urban legend was later expanded into the feature When a Stranger Calls by its director Fred Walton. Aside from the opening 20 minutes, I find When a Stranger Calls a dull trek and so I tend to just revisit this tight little short film instead. However, it does lack Carol Kane... maybe I should just rewatch the opening of When a Stranger Calls every year?
Regardless, this is still an effective movie and worth seeing. You can find it free on YouTube.
Dracula (dir. Tod Browning, 1931)
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Count Dracula-- a suave, mysterious nobleman who happens to be a bloodsucking member of the undead-- moves to modern England to snack on the populace.
Dracula is not my favorite of the Universal horror classics. Part of me sympathizes with its critics, who find the narrative clunky once it leaves Transylvania. I'm also not fond of Helen Chandler's rather vapid Mina-- not just because the book's Mina is a fabulous heroine and deserves better, but because the character herself seems little more than a breathing prop. Being slowly turned into a soulless, bloodsucking monster should be horrifying, but neither Chandler's performance nor the film hammers home that urgency.
Still, there is much to admire about Dracula. Its primitive qualities enhance the horror, particularly the lack of soundtrack and the sense of stillness in much of the blocking, Dwight Frye being a little freak extraordinaire, and Lugosi's performance. He truly appears uncanny, his deliberate speaking and gestures adding to the sense that Dracula exists outside of the present, that he should have been in the grave long ago. Few films capture that classic gothic atmosphere so well, the decay, the tattered decadence.
Wait Until Dark (dir. Terence Young, 1967)
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When a shipment of heroin hidden in a doll is inadvertently brought into her possession, a recently blinded housewife named Susy Hendrix engages in battle of wits with a trio of dangerous criminals out to get the drugs back. Complications include: Susy not knowing where the doll is, the criminals turning on one another, and Susy having to work out her own psychological vulnerabilities. The conflict escalates to violence, especially when it becomes clear the criminal ringleader Harry Roat is willing to torture Susy just for his own entertainment.
I think anyone who follows this blog knows what I think of this film-- I adore it beyond all reason. I have written a lot about it (if you're interested, I recorded an entire commentary track for it two years ago), so I'm not going to repeat too much. It's a great one-location thriller with engaging characters, a slow-burn sinister tone, dark humor, and one of the best final confrontations between a hero and villain in movie history. It feels like a movie specifically designed to appeal to me. Come to experience Audrey Hepburn being badass, stay for evil beatnik Alan Arkin racking up a body count.
The Lighthouse (dir. Robert Eggers, 2019)
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Two lighthouse keepers descend into madness when stranded on a remote New England island. Homoerotic tension, disintegration of identity, seagull's pooping in inconvenient places, mermaid sex fantasies, and lots of possible gaslighting ensue. And what of the mysterious light inside the lighthouse, an entity that seems to be almost supernatural in its pull?
I rewatched this with my youngest sister who usually doesn't like horror at all. We both had a really good time though! The film is undeniably creepy, but there's a lot of dark humor present too. It doesn't take the edge off the chilling scenes, but it does prevent the experience from getting too grim, I think. Of Eggers' current filmography, it's definitely the closest to being a comedy, if only because Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe have a sinister odd couple dynamic.
A Page of Madness (dir. Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926)
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When his wife is committed to an asylum, an old man takes a janitor job at the institution. The wife's mental condition strains his relationship with his daughter and future son-in-law, and then the janitor's own mind begins to lose track of the line between delusion and reality. Trippiness ensues.
I first saw this film on TCM in the middle of the night, which may be the ideal way to view this surrealistic silent classic. It was designed to be experimental compared to conventional Japanese movies of the time. There are no intertitles at all, so following the story can be confusing, even before the protagonist starts to lose control of his perceptions. However, it's like nothing else and worth seeing for those who want a movie that marries 1920s surrealism with expressionistic dread.
The Phantom of the Opera (dir. Rupert Julian, 1925)
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A mysterious "Phantom" is haunting the Paris Opera, blackmailing, bribing, and even murdering to make sure Christine Daae, an aspiring singer and the object of his obsession, will be the ultimate prima donna.
The Lon Chaney POTO is a weirdly nostalgic watch. I was obsessed with it as a teenager and watched it often. I still adore it. Chaney's performance is nothing short of brilliant and the gothic sets remain spectacular. I love Chaney!Erik's lair and the sense of size it has.
I used to dislike the ending to this version, where Erik is unredeemed and there's a big chase through the Paris streets. While I would have preferred the ending as originally filmed, in which Erik releases Christine and dies of a broken heart, I admire the direction of that last chase and Erik's final, memorable gesture of contempt to the mob about to claim his life. It's perfection.
Castle of Otranto (dir. Jan Svankmajer, 1977)
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Maybe counting this as "horror" is a stretch. It's an odd beat of a short regardless. It's framed as a mockumentary in which an academic argues that the events of the seminal gothic novel The Castle of Otranto really happened, but not in Italy (as in the original text), but in Czechoslavakia. This mockumentary is intercut with animated segments depicting key episodes from the novel, such as an oversized helmet falling from the sky to crush the villain's heir to death (yes, that actually happens) and all the quasi-incestuous drama between the characters.
Most reviewers come to this film because they're fans of the director Jan Svankmajer. They know nothing about The Castle of Otranto. I'm the opposite: I know nothing about Svankmajer, but I have read the gothic lunacy that is Otranto. I enjoyed seeing it adapted in some form and the metafictional elements of this short ape similar conventions throughout gothic literature in general, only in a very '70s way.
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guardian-of-fandoms · 1 year ago
"Another reality?!"
"That's what he says."
Charlie paced around the lab, his brow furrowed.
"Assuming he's telling the truth..."
Doc studied the footage of the street skirmish, his eyes glued to the stranger's moves.
"You don't believe him?"
"I know we have to keep a skeptical mind, until we get proof. After all, we've been tricked before. But... I saw it in his eyes, Doc. I know my children when i see them. Call it father's instinct, but... That is Cody, i just know it."
Doc was practically vibrating now, absently drumming the table with a screwdriver.
"The possibilities presented by alternate realities are near endless!!! This is remarkable!! Can you imagine the scientific prowess of multiversal travel?!"
"First things first, we need to know why this version of Cody came to our reality. I think it's safe to say that he came after that... thing..."
Charlie leaned over Doc's shoulder, catching an image captured by a trail camera.
Doc winced at the sight, and charlie shook his head.
"I swear, he just can't stay away..."
"I suppose one drawback to the multiverse would be ANOTHER Morocco..."
"But is this one human?"
Charlie frowned as he mused on the horrible, damaged mass of metal plating and wires he'd seen in the woods. The image on Doc's screen was much more human, likely before the horrific transformation, but it was still unsettling uncanny.
Doc nodded, then shrugged.
"Who's to say? In theory, we could be dealing with any number of explanations here."
"I guess we'll just have to ask our mystery traveller for an explanation."
Charlie frowned, then motioned to the door.
"I'd better get to the hospital, see if he's recovered any. You coming?"
Doc scrambled to grab a bag, shoveling a number of supplies into it.
"It's not every day one gets to experience alternate dimensions! Besides, perhaps our guest will allow me a look at that cybernetic..."
Charlie nodded, and activated his comn.
"Dani, any updates?"
"Not yet, dad, he's still out. Looks like whatever he did back there really messed him up."
"Understood, Doc and I are on our way."
The connection dropped, and Doc ran up, his arms laden with materials.
"While he's recovering, what about the morocco doppleganger?"
Charlie shrugged, getting the door for Doc.
"We'll just have to be vigilant. After all, this Cody said we were in danger. One guess what that means...."
Kade trudged through the woods, groaning as Heatwave trailed behind him.
"Can't we go one weekend without some new crisis... just once..."
Heatwave shook his head, pushing aside a branch.
"I don't get why you're so against believing this. If time travel can exist, why not another dimension?"
"That's it, you don't get it."
Kade sighed, turning down another trail.
"I can accept that there MIGHT be another dimension. What's throwing me off, is that i'm supposed to accept that guy being CODY. There's no way!"
"I mean, it is weird, but-"
"No, no buts! That guy wiped the floor with us earlier, Cody wouldn't hurt a fly!"
"But that's just it. He didn't hurt us."
"Says the guy he refused to touch."
Heatwave stopped in his tracks, causing Kade to turn to face him.
"He wanted us out of the way. He didn't hurt us, because he didn't want to. I'm not saying I agree with that, but clearly, we don't know all the details here."
Kade groaned, continuing down the trail.
"... I'm still holding out on the Clone theory. I just... No, no, it's too weird."
"Isn't that what you said about us being aliens?"
"This is different, Heatwave! This isn't about aliens or time travel, it's about-"
Kade froze, as the entered the campsite, Heatwave waving over to Cody.
Cody and Frankie ran through the clearing, weaving between tents and classmates.
"What's wrong? Do you guys need our help with a mission?"
Kade glanced at Heatwave, now stiffer, playing into the "Robot" persona.
"Uh.... No. But we need to ask, did anybody see anything... unusual?"
Frankie immediately tensed, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"Wait... are you after the guy with the cybernetic arm?"
Heatwave and Kade both tensed up, as Cody added,
"We ran into him earlier, he said his name was Cole. And he protected us!"
"Wait, Cole?"
Heatwave glanced around, quietly saying,
"What do you mean, he protected you?"
Cody and Frankie looked uneasy, as Frankie clarified,
"This was this... thing in the woods, it looked just like Doctor Morocco.... 'Cole' protected us with these crazy electrical powers, and he told us to run."
Kade let a slow hiss, processing the information.
"Cole... right... Yeah, we... uh... ran into... Cole... we're... looking into the situation right now."
Cody looked worried, asking,
"Is Cole alright? He seemed hurt, bad. I cleaned up a cut on his forehead, but i'm worried. And he said he ran into you guys?"
Kade had to bite back a snort.
"You could say we met... But... Dani took him to the hospital to get looked at. I'm... sure he'll be fine."
Cody looked a bit more relieved, but Frankie remained suspicious.
"Anything else?"
Kade glanced at Heatwave, who let out a restrained shrug.
"Uh... Did Cole.... say anything to you guys? Anything... revealing?"
Cody shrugged back.
"Well... He said... he made a big mistake. He seemed all mixed up about something."
"... Hmmm..."
Kade frowned, then nodded.
"We better go, have your teacher call dad if anything... weird shows up, okay?"
Cody and Frankie looked a bit suspicious, but Kade forced a smile.
"C'mon, go enjoy your camping trip! We've got this!"
Cody glanced at Frankie with a shrug, then smiled.
"Alright, good luck!"
The two walked away, and Heatwave and Kade turned, sighing as they walked away.
Heatwave glanced down at Kade, officially having more questions than answers.
"So, Cody and Frankie met him..."
"Wasn't Cole the same name Cody used that one time, when he got aged up?"
"... That doesn't prove anything."
"Did i say it did?"
Kade rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath.
"Let's just... Let's just go..."
"I've never seen anything like this. And from somebody living Griffin Rock of all places, that should say a lot."
Doctor Mcswain shook her head, glancing down at the patient.
The Cybernetic arm had been heavily damaged in the blast, paneling cracked and peeling, with wires poking out in odd places.
Doctor Mcswain peeled back the blanket, and let Dani peek at his chest.
It was heavily scarred, the areas not covered in fresh bandages revealing old, discolored wounds.
"Looks like some of those went untreated, he's lucky nothing got infected."
But what really caught Dani's attention, were the odd, metallic lines travelling from his right should, right from where the Cybernetic was implanted.
Doctor Mcswain followed her eyes, and carefully lifted him up, giving her a peek at the back of his neck, revealing a series of three small, flat metal implants.
"If i'm right, these are neural receptors. Ct shows some sort of chip implanted in his brain. My guess, these allow neural impulses to travel from his brain to the arm, giving it the same autonomy as a regular arm."
"Woah... Sounds pretty advanced."
"Yup, this technology is supposed to be theoretical at best, how the heck did he get this?"
"... We're not sure."
The doctor recovered him, sighing as she glanced at her notes.
"I take it the patient is still a John Doe?"
"... Something like that... We... have an idea as to who he might be... but we need evidence."
"Keep me posted, any new medical information helps."
"Will do."
Doctor Mcswain nodded, going through her notes.
"Whoever he is, he went through the wringer. But trust me, the arm isn't the weirdest part here."
"What is, then?"
Mcswain held out her charts, her lips pursed.
"It looks like his body produces an unusual amount of bio-electricity."
She showed the charts to Dani, continuing,
"All bodies naturally produce Bio-electricity, it regulates cells, tissue, and organ patterns, as well as sending communication signals throughout the body. But his body seems to produce extreme amounts, i've never seen anything like that before. Your John Doe is a regular patient zero."
That certainly explained his tricks from earlier...
Doctor Mcswain placed her files down, saying,
"We'll, he's stable for now, and I need to go check on a few things, I'll be back."
"Alright, thank you."
The doctor briskly left the room, And Dani took a seat in the chair next to the bed.
"... Who are you?"
The previous events rang in her head, everything seemed so... Confusing...
She stared down at the stranger's face, taking in every detail.
His scraggly blonde hair, the scar across his face, the hollow pits under his eyes, the pale color in his cheeks, the sharpness in his bones.
If this was really Cody.... What happened?
What could possibly cause her sweet baby brother to become... this?
She almost wasn't sure if she wanted to know.
"You find them?"
"Yeah, they saw him."
Kade and Heatwave approached Graham and Boulder, who'd nearly finished with grouping up the random pieces of technology, and smoothing out the damaged ground.
"What'd they say?"
Kade sighed, exchanging a look with Heatwave.
"... Cody and Frankie said he protected them. And he said he name was Cole."
"Cole? Like-"
"Yeah, like that time Cody got aged up, that proves nothing."
Graham gave him an odd look, but shrugged, holding out the fragmented pieces of the stranger's helmet.
"I'll see if I can repair this for him, its design is pretty interesting."
"No!? We can't trust this guy, don't repair his stuff for him!"
Graham trained his eyes down, fidgeting nervously.
"I mean... He seems like he was trying to protect us, and did protect Cody and Frankie."
"So they say..."
"Point is, why would he go through the trouble of keeping us out of the way if he was going to turn around and backstab us?"
"... I don't know. But I don't like it."
Boulder examined some of the fragments of metal, frowning as he studied their design.
"Hmm... We should have Doc take a look at this. This came off that.... thing, right?"
Heatwave felt his spark skip a beak at the sight of a familiar red logo.
"I'll say one thing, i'd rather have another Cody than another Morocco."
Kade shook his head, sighing deeply.
"Look. Truth is, we don't have any idea what's going on here. We have to be prepared for ANYTHING. I won't trust this guy unless he gives me a really good reason, and I sure as hell won't believe he's Cody."
Boulder grouped up the tech, and shrugged.
"Well... How about we look at this from what we DO know? He could've hurt us earlier, but he just wanted us out of the way. And he protected Cody and Frankie from that Morocco doppleganger!"
"But he told us he's Cody, and told Cody and Frankie his name is Cole! How do we know Cole isn't his real name?!"
"Maybe he was just trying to keep them out of it? After all, he didn't want us involved either."
Kade groaned, throwing his hands up.
Boulder shifted modes, and Graham started loading the tech into his cab.
"Let's just regroup for now, okay? We can talk about this more when we're all together."
Graham hopped into Boulder's cab, as Heatwave changed as well.
"They should be at the Hospital, we'll meet you there?"
"Sure... Sure..."
Kade climbed in, as Graham and Boulder took off. Kade watched them drive off, sighing as he slumped back in the seat.
"This thing whole is crazy... All of this is... this is just crazy..."
"You're telling me... But, one question."
"Why are you so against the possibility of this guy being Cody?"
Kade groaned, absently resting a hand on the wheel as Heatwave pulled out.
".... Don't you get it? That guy, that calculated fighter who took us out without breaking a sweat? That guy willing to blow himself up to take out that.... Thing? That.... That just can't be Cody... It can't be... Cody isn't some... grizzled warrior from an action movie.... He's... He's a kid. Last night i saw him trip over a table, and apologize!! TO THE TABLE!!"
Heatwave thought on it, and had to agree.
"I'm not saying I like the implications here. I'm saying, they make sense."
"But... No, no, I'm just... I'm not buying it."
"Anything can happen, Kade."
Kade threw his head back, shaking his arm absently.
"I know, we're on a freaky island with flying lobsters or time travel or WHATEVER, but this.... This is just.... Too far."
The two lapsed into silence, the only sound being the steady hum of Heatwave's engine.
Kade tried to let the steady rhythm drown out his thoughts, silently pleading for anything to distract him.
Anything to take his mind in another direction.
Anything to stop him from wondering what could've possibly caused his sweet baby brother to become the cold fighter he'd seen earlier.
"What do you think's going on?"
Frankie shrugged, before chucking a Frisbee across the clearing, Cody scrambling to catch it, laughing triumphantly as he held it up.
"Got it! But... I know when Kade's lying, his eye twitches weirdly. There's something he didn't tell us about Cole."
Cody threw the Frizbee back, and Frankie jumped to catch it.
"I'm sure it's nothing big. Besides, we can ask them after the camping trip, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so!"
The two continued their game,
unaware of the figure watching from the woods.
"How very fascinating...."
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joshuamj · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the Omori Manga
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I was kind of generous with it, but overall? Mixed feelings, leaning toward negative. This is just the first chapter tho so who knows?
The Art: eh?
The scary parts are drawn well and there are some panels I quite like (the 2 below for example), but otherwise it often looks a little awkward/uncanny??
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A big thing is, I think Sunny shouldve been drawn less expressive. He often looks a bit too... happy? Like its fine to draw him horrified and such when he's Going Through It, but he's drawn with those little white pupils a lot at the beginning, which make him look a lot like his younger, more carefree self
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I think for the most part, he should've just been drawn like this:
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It captures his vibe of Tired/Out of it/Depressed, much better
The Manga's Approach to the Story: not good for people new to Omori (imo), but has potential for an interesting retelling for previous fans
It was quite strange to start with the Real World rather than Headspace, but it could turn out interesting. It will definitely miss the impact of the game's storytelling, but they may still be able to make an enjoyable enough story out of it, yknow?
Doing it this way allows them to emphasize different things than the game. Like the battle with Aubrey, for example. It was so good in game since the player was so used to casually slicing away enemies with the knife, and the Aubrey battle served as a shocking wake up call. You can't knife people in real life like that! But I think no matter what. this couldn't have hit as hard in the manga regardless of if they did headspace first.
But what they did do in the manga was better emphasize Sunny's actual action of slicing Aubrey! Like Basil and Kel are appropriately alarmed and horrified that Sunny has just pulled a knife from nowhere and (quite badly) sliced their old friend with it.
I do, however, think they made it look way too deliberate on Sunny's part.
Like in game, it was more a mistake, while in the manga they seem to be going for Sunny being Extremely Traumatized and just lashing out, but then they portray it like this??
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Like, maybe if they had Aubrey actually go after him with her nail bat while she was saying those cruel things, him drawing the knife would have looked more instinctual and a mistake. Here it just looks like he's ready to stab her in cold blood :/
The ending is sort of interesting tho. It does a fine job of showing how headspace is a sort of coping mechanism before we even see it, by having Sunny retreat there after slicing Aubrey.
Overall, I think there is potential in doing Realworld first, Headspace second, but I think it does miss out on a ton of the game's original impact and storytelling
Finally, Aubrey (tm): hot take maybe, but I lowkey like how she was portrayed?
Like, dont get me wrong, she was quite violent and it hurt seeing her legit hit basil with a nail bat, but it sort of works? in my opinion at least.
Shes been hurting for so long and she directs that hurt towards her old friends, and combined with her more aggressive personality, it doesn't seem too wildly out of character i think.
Plus, itll add some good Angst when she gets her moment with the gang and realizes how she's been acting. Like, girl, you are gonna feel sooooo bad for how you treated Basil and what u said to Sunny (character development!)
And it really helps that when she falls to the ground after getting sliced, pictures of Mari fall out of her pocket. It helps signal to the reader that Aubrey isn't just some horrible cruel person, but that there's something more at play
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And the way she's collapsed almost looks like she could've collapsed out of grief, or is bowing deeply, and implies she's really hurting. Somehow they did Sunny so dirty with him standing over her with the knife, yet did so well with this Aubrey panel.
I think I just like the portrayal of someone who is very flawed in their grief without being some Big Evil Bad Guy, yknow. Like no, this is a hurting teenager lashing out and making mistakes.
So yeah i managed to find a fair amount of things that have potential in the manga, but who knows if itll be followed thru on..
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dallonwrites · 2 years ago
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[ lover boy by @dallonwrites / sfgate / tumblr user catilinas / lover boy | little weirds by jenny slate / lover boy / hellraiser (1987) / manhunter (1986) / the lost boys (1987) / lover boy ] this post has alt text.
disclaimer: this is my own original work
Genre: Literary that wishes it were horror Setting: San Francisco, 1987/88 Aesthetics: fake blood, uncanny SFX in old horror movies, grainy home videos, a deeply orange sunset, retro arcade games, an empty mall, overripe fruit, anatomical heart models, heart shaped candles, leather jackets, rolling fog, the moon in the ocean, bowling alleys, red lights, trying to see a ghost in the hallway, real blood, mixtapes from former lovers, nightclub bathrooms, vampire fangs, neck kisses Summary: Sometimes, to cope with change and unpredictability, Beau likes to pretend he's the protagonist of a blood-soaked horror movie. And all he's ever wanted is a lover. But after the death of his childhood best friend he retreats into himself - frustrated at love and frustrated that Bobby hasn't haunted him the way he promised to - until he's jolted back by former friends needing his help with a movie project, an ex lover returning as new ones find new ways to hurt him, his friends and his community getting sicker, and a near death experience that comes with the urgency to record everything around him whilst he still can. The more that happens, the more he tries to find ghosts around him. The more times he sees blood on his hands, the more painful his old coping mechanism becomes, as his thoughts become less and less tasty.
what if you were autistic but you didn't know it because it's the 1980s and your special interest is horror movies and sometimes your brain feels a little bit blood-soaked but it's okay because it feels good! it makes you feel better, right? but then your best friend dies and also you lose the closest person you had to a lover and you wonder if you've wasted your time obsessing over romance but you don't have time to think about it because life keeps happening and nobody seems to care that your community is dying and no matter how hard you try you never see a ghost in the hallway or the bathroom mirror like you want to, and then your lover comes back but he's different, and so are you, and you really want to stop looking death in the eye, so you try to capture everything around you on your video camera to show that you were here, we were here and we're alive, and your queerness is your heartbeat and all you want to do in this life is love, so that's what you do, despite everything, whatever that love looks like, even when everything gets louder and brighter and too much to bare and you're starting to get scared by the blood in your thoughts
I call this "the culmination of my growing obsession with horror and the undergrad dissertation I wrote on how the AIDS crisis functions in queer narratives". I think it's my favourite thing I've started in a long time! There's so much flesh to this story that I haven't even dug my hand as deep into it as I could go. It's fun, it's silly, it's raw, it's sweet, it's emotional, it's complicated, it's a bit bloody, it's theatrical, it's trying it's best. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it's also crying in the bathtub you know
Characters (just a few otherwise this would get way too long)
Beau (he/him) the bestest boy in the whole world. Someone pleeeease take him to a farmers market on a chilled Sunday afternoon
Benji (he/him) Beau's little brother who Beau thinks is the bestest boy in the whole world. Even though he loves bugs and dirt and wants to be a shark when he grows up
Bobby (he/him) dead but before he died he thought being a ghost would be so fun. It'd be so much easier to sneak up on Beau! He could finally go to Fire Island! He loved handmaking jewellery and wanted to be a volcanologist.
Felix (he/him) the ex lover! He's doing sooo much better since the last time you saw him! Hey why is he crying in that movie theatre bathroom
Tiff (she/they) Beau's old friend and roommate. Tattoo artist who collects eye shaped decor and broken rotary phones. Lesbian/gay solidarity is the backbone of this novel.
Dorothy (she/her) In love with the moon and acrylic paints. What if you bumped into your ex boyfriends twin sister and feel like you shouldn't get involved but then you remember she's realllyyy fun to talk shit about people with?
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clickerflight · 5 months ago
Voltober 12. Better Than You - Fallen
Author's notes: A short one today! Just exploring what Alpha-2's life as an active weapon is like with a side character who may or may not show back up later in the main story line :3
Challenges Masterlist - Voltober 11
Content: living weapon whumpee/whumper, vigilante whumpee, multiple whumpees, creepy whumper, hunted down, bolus, net, captured, bound for travel
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Living Weapon | Android/Robot | “Kneel”
Powell skidded on the wet concrete, the near silent sound of feet right on his heels. He was exhausted. He had been chased for 10 blocks now while maintaining his camouflage and he was running out of steam. He felt like he was going to throw up.
He glanced over his shoulder to see the man chasing him. More of a predator than a man. He never missed a step, his eyes hidden behind tactical gear that likely made it easy to keep track of Powell, and a single mindedness to his every moment. He cared about nothing except capturing Powell and the vigilante knew it.
Powell skidded off down an alley, finding a fire escape to get up to the roof of a building. He was good at roof running and his camouflage worked really well against the night sky. He could get out of here. As long as he could get to one of the vigilante union buildings he’d be safe. He just had to make it.
Something sang through the air and pain zinged through his ankles as a bolus wrapped tripped him up.
He caught himself hard on his hands, landing on his hip and skillfully kicked the boluses off before getting back on his bruised feet, running as fast as he could, zigzagging so his pursuer couldn’t get another bolus around his ankles. He was so close. He was so close!
He leapt off the edge of a building, heading for the next roof, only for a bang below to draw his attention. A net wrapped around him before the rope attached to it dragged him violently down.
He screamed before he hit the pavement. He lay there, unable to breath, his head aching where he smacked it into the cement. He lost a few moments to the pain and dizziness, and when he opened his eyes again, the man who had been chasing him was walking toward a woman wearing armor and head gear much like the man was wearing.
“Well done, Alpha-2!” she said in a cooing tone. “Come here.”
Powell groaned trying to push himself up as the man padded up to the woman. He looked like a dog, ready for a treat. It was uncanny and it made Powell even more nauseous.
“Kneel,” the woman said, and to Powell’s surprise, Alpha-2 dropped to his knees, bowing his head. She ran her fingers over the buzzed hair on the man’s skull, scratching at his scalp.
Powell shuddered as he realized what was going on. He had heard rumors of trained weapons roaming the underworld of the cities. He had just been run down by one of these weapons and he had no idea what these people wanted with him.
The woman looked over at Powell and smiled, reaching up to take off her gear so she could look him in the eye. “Hello, Kamo. Or should I call you Powell Kendrick?”
Powell swallowed hard. “What do you want with me? If I don’t report to the union they will come looking for me.”
“Oh, don’t worry about reporting to the union,” she said with a cruel grin. “We will handle it for you. You’re under our care now.”
Powell’s eyes were drawn to the still kneeling weapon who was being stripped of gear and put into traveling bindings without so much as a wince on his face. He was terrified of whatever ‘care’ she was talking about.
VTB Part 13
Fallen Masterlist
Fallen taglist: @looptheloup @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @snakebites-and-ink @starsick1979 @galaxyofwhump 
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months ago
Your Last Name
Satoru Gojo X GN!Zoldyck!Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 1389
Requested: Anon
Request: Original Request
A/N: Really didn't know how to end this but could do a part 2 if anyone is interested.
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You remember the day 1 year ago that you were given the mission to infiltrate Jujutsu High in Tokyo. Your oldest brother Illumi had graduated from the Kyoto school. He wasn’t born early enough to go to school with Satoru Gojo. Your second oldest brother had no intention of going to school and given your family's profession and money there was no need for him to, so that left you.
You were the third oldest in the Zoldyck family. A family of sorcerers that were hired for assassination jobs. The reason never mattered as long as they paid enough for the job to get done. This time it was more of an infiltration and information gathering mission, a man who claimed to be a friend of Gojo’s asked us to get information on a new student Yuta and the security around the boy. By the first six months you had finally made friends your age and almost seemed to fit in around them. You started to feed back information that was slightly off the truth and the plan to capture and kill Yuta was unsuccessful but resulted in the death of your employer Suguru Geto.
Waking up in a dark room didn’t panic you, it was part of normal training back home, Gojo looking at you like a stranger was a little unsettling though. “You were feeding them information.” A statement from principle Yaga not a question.
“Will it make you more comfortable if I stay like this or can I make myself comfortable?” You asked, you couldn’t see his eyes but you were sure that he was narrowing them, with no answer you shrugged and made quick work of dislocating your wrists to slip your hands out of the ropes that they had tied them with.
“Hey!” Yaga stepped forward.
“If I was feeding them information worth the money that they were paying my family then Yuta would be dead and so would the other second years… Do you really think that I would still be here?” You asked.
“They have a point.” Gojo shrugged. “In all honesty we probably shouldn’t have even let them in the school.” 
“Letting them in was your idea Gojo!” Yaga argued.
“And I’d say that it paid off.” Gojo leant forward, his arms crossed over the top of the chair that he was sitting on in front of you.
“What are you talking about?” Yaga asked.
“Well, I don’t hear an assault on the school and they haven’t been feeding back the information that they were supposed to be. If I didn’t know any better then I would say that you don’t want to go home yet.” Gojo guessed.
“I don’t like the way that my family operates.” You shrugged, leaning your elbows on the back of your chair. “My oldest brother should be the next leader but his hair is not the right colour. I'm female so it really doesn’t matter what colour my hair is. The first male born with white hair is the forth of my parents' children and full disclosure he wants nothing to do with leading the family.” 
“So?” Gojo asked.
“So my parents are in the process of stalking and kidnapping their own child, that’s probably why you’ve heard nothing from them about me.” You explained.
“How do we know anything you say is true?” Yaga asked.
“You don’t but I will say that no one is paying me to lie.” You reminded them.
From that day onward you were attached to Gojo’s side, he had convinced the higher ups to keep you in the school but they had only agreed if he was the one watching you 24/7. You assumed that they were hoping it would be a deterrent but he agreed readily. You became pretty close with Gojo after that, being around him for longer than a couple of hours gave you the time to learn who he was under the childish facade. The silent watching and quiet protectiveness, the hidden lessons and the encouragement through lack of action. 
Neither of you realised how close you had gotten until your family came to get you, it was a weird almost uncanny feeling when you saw them again, you had been away from them so long that it was easy to feel the energy that you had become so used to when you were younger. You had been with the rest of the students when they had arrived and hearing their reactions first hand were priceless.
“What the hell are they doing here?” Maki asked as she looked over at your family arriving.
“Mustard leaf.” Inumaki was probably the only one that recognised the family but he couldn’t explain what was going on, you leant back in your seat on the stairs as you waited.
“Are they people we’re supposed to be afraid of?” Nobara asked.
“Salmon.” Inumaki confirmed.
“Who are they?” Itadori asked, as if the question called his attention, Illumi looked over eyes immediately falling on you. “Why’s he looking over here!?” 
“Don’t worry he’s not looking at you.” You lifted your hand in a lazy wave as everyone else jumped as they finally noticed your presence. Your curse technique allowed you to completely conceal your presence and with your mischievous nature it lent itself to a lot of pranks as well.
“Your presence is required at this meeting.” No one except for you expected his sudden appearance, your brother was quick and other times silent on his feet.
“When Principle Yaga calls me to the meeting then I will be happy to attend.” You said as you watched your brothers stature stiffen slightly.
“You’ve been spending too much time with six eyes.” He muttered as he looked back at Gojo who seemed to be dismissing something that your father said.
“How’s the Killua retrieval mission going?” You asked, he growled and the exchange that took place was quick, you knocked his attack of balance, lifting your cursed weapon to strike at his throat while he lifted the needle to press against your temple.
“I have to ask that you don’t attack our students, if this aggressive behaviour continues then I will escort you off the school grounds.” You gave a teasing twist of your knife even with Gojo there.
“Illumi step away.” Your father ordered, Illumi dropped the needle pressed against your temple and you dropped your weapon seconds later. “We will talk later, child.” You nodded, you watched them both walk back to where your mother was still standing with Kalluto behind her.
“What do they want?” You asked.
“To take you back home.” Gojo didn’t lower his voice or try to keep your relation to the family a secret, as Yaga had ordered you both to do when you were first granted a place here.
“That’s unfortunate.” You stuffed your hands into your pockets looking off to the side, something would have reminded all of your family of Killua, both of you using the same tell when displeased by everything. “Don’t worry, Trouble, you aren’t going anywhere.”
“Gojo! Let’s go.” Yaga ordered.
“Yeah, yeah.” Gojo muttered walking over to them leaving you with the other students.
“So that’s your family?” Yuji asked. “I thought you were Gojo’s kid.” 
“Gojo’s kid?” You asked.
“Well we thought more of a sibling or charity case.” Maki corrected and you narrowed your eyes at her.
“Charity case?” You raised your eyebrow and you  sat on the steps behind you kicking your feet out and crossing them at the ankles.
“She’s the only one that thought that.” Panda waved off the statement.
“I’m sure.” Your tone was teasing but Panda still scratched the back of his head guiltily.
“So you're a Zoldyck?” Maki asked.
“That is my last name.” You confirmed.
“Why does your brother look like he’s going to take my soul?” Nobara asked.
“That’s usually his job, but I’m sure that he’s face is stuck like that now.” You shrugged.
“Do you have to leave?” Megumi asked, you glanced at him, he’s probably the one that you’ve spent the most time with because of having to be so close to Gojo all the time.
“We’ll find out soon enough.” You answered honestly as you looked over at the main building of the school wondering what it was that had brought them here.
Request Here!!
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